ANOCA and an ambitious project that makes Africa proud. ANOCA

As part of its strategic objective to become a dignified and respected organisation within the Olympic Movement, Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) has developed an ambitious programme for the construction of the headquarters of the Non-Governmental Olympic Committees.

Under the leadership of its President Mustapha Berraf, ANOCA's mission is to provide the African NOCs with modern headquarters in order to improve their management and administrative performance and to support these structures with a comfortable framework for the development of the continent's youth. The programme is coordinated by Ahmed Habu Gumel, who is also the association's treasurer general. 

A fine strategist and a man of experience and expertise, this senior official has been able to give this project a dynamic that is now the pride of the whole of Africa. He spares no effort to support the NOCs in their various procedures and in the planned phases. 

Since the launch of this project, 26 applications have been submitted for funding between 2022 and 2024, of which around 14 have received start-up funding. Of the 26 approved projects, only one country, Eswatini, completed the project and its headquarters was officially inaugurated in 2023. 

Malawi, Equatorial Guinea and Togo received the funds for their projects, while Angola, Benin, Chad, Cape Verde, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone and Tanzania received the first tranche. The ANOCA secretariat continues to receive progress reports from countries such as Angola, Chad, Malawi and Togo. Botswana, Mauritius and Somalia are the new applicants whose contracts were signed in 2024 and whose funding will be available soon. 

Africa is definitely growing and ANOCA is doing a great job. ANOCA
Africa is definitely growing and ANOCA is doing a great job. ANOCA

While some NOCs have applied for funding for the construction of their headquarters and their applications are currently being assessed, others, such as Cameroon, Mozambique and Namibia have their applications for funding for the rehabilitation of their headquarters under review. Finally, the NOCs of Lesotho, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda and Zambia are finalising their requests. 

To date, more than $600,000 (€555,000) has been granted to 14 NOCs for their headquarters projects. An architectural firm has been contracted to provide technical assistance to the body. Although Eswatini is the only country to have officially inaugurated its headquarters, several NOCs have completed the construction of their headquarters, while others are well advanced. 

For its effective implementation, this programme benefits from the strong financial and technical support of the International Olympic Committee, through the firm will of its President, Thomas Bach.

Mustapha Berraf, in a 2019 photo. GETTY IMAGES
Mustapha Berraf, in a 2019 photo. GETTY IMAGES

The procedure for building a NOC Headquarters is as follows:

-An initial list of beneficiaries is drawn up by ANOCA COMEX. 

-A form is then sent to all identified NOCs, to collect all the necessary information. These NOCs must provide the title deeds of the land on which the headquarters will be built. 

-The full plans are then sent to all the NOCs, along with quantity take-offs, so that each can submit proposals for three construction companies, with deadlines for completion. The NOC checks that the plan meets the country's architectural standards. 

-A contract is then signed between ANOCA and the beneficiary NOCs to ensure proper use of the allocated funds. ANOCA also allocates a reduced budget to finance the facilities. 

-After this step, the NOC signs an execution contract with the selected company, at a fixed price, in order to avoid any price increase. 

-The NOC also selects a supervisor to ensure the quality of the work and that quantities are adhered to.