The IFSC has added a Para-climbing section to its website ©Getty Images

The International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) has created a new section on its website which is dedicated to Para-climbing.

Information about development and classification is included as well as achievements, videos and more.

Accessible here and through the top toolbar on the IFSC website, the section includes an up-to-date recap of the sport's Para-climbing development plan and descriptions of the different Para-climbing categories.

"The section has been created to facilitate the navigation for Para-climbers and Para-climbing fans, either looking for useful intel about the different classes of competition or craving for the latest highlights video," the IFSC said.

Information about development and classification is included in the new section ©IFSC
Information about development and classification is included in the new section ©IFSC

A Para-climbing calendar and further photo and video resources will be added to the website in the near future, the IFSC said.

"As Para-climbing grew enormously over the last years, there was an urgent need to have a central point of information about activities and information," said Sebastian Depke, the chair of the IFSC's Paraclimbing Committee.

"I am happy to see the IFSC website update and the launch of which are very important steps to develop and promote the sport."